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How to get Israeli citizenship

01 june 2023 775
How to get Israeli citizenship

There are several ways to obtain Israeli citizenship:

Right of return: This is the most common way to obtain Israeli citizenship. According to the "Law of Return" of 1950, every Jew has the right to immigrate to Israel and become its citizen. If you are Jewish or have Jewish ancestors, or converted to Judaism within a recognized Jewish community, you are entitled to use this law.

Matrimony: If you marry or are married to an Israeli citizen, you can apply for citizenship.

Naturalization: If you have lived in Israel for a certain amount of time (usually 3 of the last 5 years), you can apply for citizenship through natural conversion. To do this, you also need to have basic knowledge of Hebrew and be sure to pass an interview in Hebrew.

Birth in Israel: If you were born in Israel and your parent is an Israeli citizen, you automatically receive citizenship.

Family Reunification: This path is applicable if you have close relatives who are already Israeli citizens.

It is important to remember that certain documents and procedures may be required to obtain citizenship. It is recommended to consult a lawyer or contact the Israeli consulate for more information.


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