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Buying real estate for industrial purposes in Israel

15 june 2023 669
Buying real estate for industrial purposes in Israel

Purchase of real estate for industrial purposes in Israel: investment in production and business development

Israel is one of the leading countries in the field of innovation and development of industrial technologies. This is an attractive country for entrepreneurs and investors who are interested in developing their business in the industrial sector. Purchasing real estate for industrial purposes in Israel can be a strategic move that will ensure the long-term success and growth of your business.

When choosing real estate for industrial purposes in Israel, there are several key factors to consider:

  1. Location: Determine a strategic location for your business. Consider the availability of transport links, proximity to suppliers and customers, and the availability of the necessary infrastructure for your industry.

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    Property Type: Explore different types of industrial properties such as warehouses, manufacturing facilities, or commercial properties. Determine your needs and space requirements in accordance with your business plan.

  3. Size and parameters: Estimate the area of ​​the room, its height of ceilings, availability of access roads and parking spaces. Pay attention to the presence of necessary utilities, such as electricity, water and sewerage.

  4. Legal Aspects: Before buying industrial property in Israel, be sure to check the legal aspects, including the availability of all necessary permits and licenses for your type of activity.

  5. Budget: Set your budget and consider the financial aspects of purchasing a property. You may need financing or a mortgage, so contact financial institutions for advice and support.

  6. Professional assistance: Contact experienced real estate agents or consultants specialized in industrial real estate in Israel. They can help you find suitable options, conduct risk assessments, and provide professional advice.


Purchasing real estate for industrial purposes in Israel can provide you with many opportunities to grow and develop your business. However, it is necessary to carefully study the market, conduct a risk analysis and make informed decisions. Turn to professionals to get the support you need and make a successful purchase of industrial property in Israel.


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