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Dogs can learn more than 150 words

17 october 2024 6
Dogs can learn more than 150 words

When owners think that their dog “understands everything, just can’t talk,” they may be right. Modern research shows that dogs are able to remember not only intonations, but also words. These smart pets can learn up to 165 words, as well as recognize specific objects and actions by name. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how dogs learn words and what you can do to teach them to understand commands better.

What words do dogs remember best?

Dogs learn best short, clear words with strong consonants. For example, words such as “lunch,” “eating,” “sitting,” or “walking” are easy to remember and quickly associated with actions or events. This is because simple words are easier to perceive and process in a dog’s brain.

Why is it important to use the same words?

To help your dog remember words faster, you must always use the same phrases. For example, if you call feeding “lunch,” stick to that term, avoiding variations like “eat,” “eat,” or others. Consistency in vocabulary will help your pet quickly associate words with actions.

How to train an adult dog?

Often owners think that only puppies can teach new commands, but adult dogs also do an excellent job of this task. Learning abilities are not lost with age, which means that your pet, even if he is already an adult, can remember new words and commands. The key is to approach the process with patience and consistency.

How do dogs remember commands?

Dogs associate words not only with actions, but also with objects. If you say “leash” before every walk, your pet will begin to associate this word with going outside. Association and regular repetition are the key to successful learning.

Tips for teaching your dog words:

  1. Use short and clear commands. Words like “sit”, “lie down”, “come” are easily understood and remembered by dogs.
  2. Avoid ambiguous phrases. Clear and simple expressions are better understood by your pet.
  3. Consistency and regularity. Use the same words for specific actions. If you call a walk a “walk,” use that word every time you go out.
  4. Associations with positive actions. Dogs learn faster when words are associated with pleasant moments, such as feeding or playing.

Training abilities of different breeds

Some dog breeds have stronger cognitive abilities. For example, Border Collies, Labradors, and Poodles tend to excel at learning new words and commands. However, training depends not only on the breed, but also on the individual characteristics of the dog.

How to improve your learning success:

  • Use positive reinforcement: reward your dog with a treat for following a command correctly.
  • Regular training in a calm environment will help your dog concentrate better on the task.
  • Avoid distractions while studying, such as loud noises or strangers.

Words and commands associated with emotional reactions

Dogs are better at remembering words that evoke an emotional response in them. For example, the words “walk” or “food” evoke positive associations in your pet, which helps them learn them faster. This confirms that learning through positive emotions is more effective.

Ability to distinguish phrases

Some dogs are able to distinguish not only individual words, but also entire phrases. For example, a pet may distinguish the phrase “let's go for a walk” from “let's go to the vet” based on associations related to past experiences. This proves that dogs are capable of more complex perception of information than we used to think.

Tips for Effective Interaction with Dogs

Using the right words and a clear teaching approach is the key to successfully interacting with your pet. If you want your dog to understand you better, follow these guidelines:

  • Short and clear commands. This helps the dog remember words faster.
  • Regular training. Regular exercise helps your pet strengthen its skills.
  • Use positive reinforcement. Treats or praise help your dog learn better.


Dogs are capable of remembering up to 165 words, and this ability does not depend on their age. The main thing is to use a consistent approach to training, clearly formulate commands and exercise your pet regularly. Your dog can not only understand you, but also actively interact through memorized words if you pay attention to his cognitive development.

Gradually you will find that your pet understands more and more words, which makes communication with him more rich and interesting. Dogs are intelligent creatures, and their ability to learn many things may surprise you.


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